Erasmus MC Eredoctoraat Marion Koopmans Professor Marion Koopmans, hoofd van de afdeling Viroscience van het Erasmus MC, ontving op 28 april 2017 een eredoctoraat van de technische universiteit van Denemarken (DTU).
Erasmus MC Erasmus MC: The Movie University medical center Erasmus MC is committed to a healthy population and excellence in healthcare through research and education. Welcome to our world. We dare to step forward in research, education and health care.
Cortisol Hair shows stress A new method enables Erasmus MC to detect the stress hormone cortisol in hair. This allows you to look back months – or with long hair, years – in time.
Tailored cancer therapy The power of the combination Looking at both tumor and patient. “In tailored therapy the focus must lie on the tumor and on the patient,” says professor Ron Mathijssen of Erasmus MC Cancer Institute. “It is the knowledge of both that will make the therapy more effective.”
Erasmus MC A breakthrough under reservation A breakthrough under reservation In 2014 researchers of the department of Hematology unraveled a very serious form of acute myeloid leukemia and published about it in Cell. A breakthrough, says research leader professor Ruud Delwel, although he does warn against too much optimism. What is so special about the discovery? Professor of Molecular Leukemogenesis Ruud […]
Personalized medicine Genetic analysis determines treatment Clarify mechanisms and develop therapies that will become the standard worldwide. That is what the Department of Internal Oncology of Erasmus MC Cancer Institute did for several types of cancer. An interview with department head Stefan Sleijfer.
Mycetoma Attention for tropical infectious disease Insufficient knowledge of the tropical infectious disease Mycetoma is hindering an effective treatment. Thanks to the official status of ‘neglected disease,’ this might now change.
Erasmus MC Safety squared “The safe learning environment we offer here, eventually leads to safer care. Safety squared, we call it.” So says Madelon Panman. She is manager of the SkillsLab at Erasmus MC.